Payment card issuing from DiPocket

The turnkey payment card issuing solution for your organisation


For the end user, payment cards are a simple way to send and receive funds. That’s why organisations across Europe are turning to virtual or physical payment cards to issue funds for payroll, expense management, gift incentives and more.

However, setting up and managing an in-house payment card issuing system is both expensive and time-consuming. DiPocket takes away this pain, providing a customisable card-issuing and payment solution that is simple and cost-effective for your organisation.

The benefits of payment card issuing through DiPocket

Payment card issuing requires significant investment in licencing and operational capabilities, typically handled by banks. Our solution gives you a bespoke payment card with Visa, Mastercard, Google Wallet and Apple Pay payment options, fully set up and supported by DiPocket.

We pay all licensing and regulatory fees

To issue a payment card, companies need an Issuing License from each service provider, such as Visa and Mastercard. Principal licences cost hundreds of thousands of euros a year, a fee that is unsustainable for most individual organisations. We pay all licensing and regulatory fees as part of DiPocket’s service to you.

We navigate complex financial regulations

DiPocket is not a bank, but is nevertheless subject to a complex range of regulations setting caps on fees and governing the payments and loans market across the EU. We keep on top of the requirements of the financial regulatory environment to ensure that your payment cards operate legally. In fact, some banks even come to us rather than setting up their own payment cards for employees!

We carry out personal checks

It is important that you do not distribute funds to certain individuals. We carry out the checks that protect you, including:

Our fraud team is always active

With the exponential growth of financial fraud, individual payment card issuing providers could not hope to match the power of our dedicated anti-fraud team. We take the risk of fraud off your hands, and work tirelessly to improve security, including:

  • Live monitoring of card usage
  • Rapid response to suspect transactions
  • Full investigations.
We process all card transactions

Every transaction on your payment cards is supported through our processing system. We track each and every payment as it is requested, sent to Visa or Mastercard for payment and returned through us. We deal with the approvals and fees at every stage so that you don’t have to. If there is a problem, we sort it out.

We give you the control you need

You have full control and visibility of transactions through our secure administrative portal. You can:

  • Issue pre-paid physical or virtual cards with or without top-up permissions
  • Control spend and have visibility as to what individuals are buying
  • Add bespoke usage restrictions to prevent misuse of funds, including limiting spend to specified merchants or category codes.
We design and issue your branded virtual and physical cards

The design and manufacture of payment cards supported by Visa and Mastercard are, with good reason, strictly regulated. Our turnkey solution not only deals with the financial complexities of offering a white labelled payment system, but also sorts out the practicalities for you.

Versatile funds disbursement from DiPocket

DiPocket allows you to offer branded payment cards without the onerous demands of acting as a bank. We provide you with a quick and simple solution for the secure payment of funds, wherever and whenever you choose.

To find out more about issuing your own payment card solution please do get in touch with a member of the DiPocket team by clicking here.