NAV Navigation

DiPocket PSD2 API

This API provides possibility to fetch account information, funds confirmation and initiate payments on behalf of end users.

Base URLs: (Production environment) (Sandbox environment)


AIS flow

The following diagram shows the account information flow.

Account information

PIS flow

There are domestic, sepa and cross border payments available in aspsp-api. The following diagram shows the payment initiation flow.

Payment Initiation

There are mandatory fields for each of payment products:

Field type domestic-credit-transfers sepa-credit-transfers cross-border-credit-transfers
debtorAccount AccountReference not required not required not required
instructedAmount Amount mandatory, inatructedAmount.currency can be only HUF or PLN mandatory mandatory
creditorName String mandatory mandatory mandatory
creditorAccount AccountReference mandatory mandatory mandatory
creditorType INDIVIDUAL, COMPANY mandatory mandatory mandatory
creditorAgent String not required mandatory mandatory
creditorAddress Address not required mandatory only field mandatory
remittanceInformationUnstructured String mandatory mandatory mandatory

COF flow

The following diagram shows confirmation of funds flow. Confirmation of funds


In order to access the PSD2 APIs you will need a valid QWAC certificate.


There is no need to do onboarding, use DiPocket certificate to access sandbox. Download sandbox certificate here.


Before you can use aspsp-api, we should onboard your application. Please send your production certificate to the following e-mail: [email protected]. After your application will be onboarded, we will inform you by the confirmation e-mail. If you have problems accessing sandbox or production, please contact us at: [email protected].

Confirmation of Funds

Code samples

POST{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
TPP-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/ok
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/error

POST /{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds

Creates a confirmation of funds consent resource at the ASPSP regarding confirmation of funds access to an account specified in this request.

Body parameter

  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
TPP-Redirect-URI header string true URI of the TPP, where the flow shall be redirected to after consent was successfully confirmed by the user.
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI header string false If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of TPP-Redirect-URI in case if something went wrong or consent was cancelled.
body body CofConsentRequest true none

Example responses

200 Response

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConsentResponse

Confirmation of Funds Request

Code samples

POST{brandId}/bg/v1/funds-confirmations HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: c67a3de6-5176-4c7d-a64d-e6ac4f31e848

POST /{brandId}/bg/v1/funds-confirmations

Creates a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP.

Body parameter

  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "instructedAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
Consent-ID header string true The consent identification assigned to the created resource.
body body ConfirmationOfFundsRequest true none

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConfirmationOfFundsResponse

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}

Returns the content of an account information consent object.

Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true The consent identification assigned to the created resource.

Example responses

200 Response

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK CofConsentDetails

Code samples

DELETE{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

DELETE /{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}

The TPP can revoke an account information consent object if needed with the following call.

Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true Contains the resource-ID of the consent to be deleted.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK None

Get Status Request

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}/status HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}/status

Can check the status of an account information consent resource.


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true The consent identification assigned to the created resource.

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConsentStatusDto

Payment initiation

Payment Initiation Request

Code samples

POST{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
TPP-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/ok
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/error

POST /{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}

Creates a payment initiation request at the ASPSP.

Body parameter

  "debtorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "instructedAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"
  "creditorName": "Merchant123",
  "creditorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "creditorType": "INDIVIDUAL",
  "creditorAgent": "SBANFIHH",
  "creditorAddress": {
    "streetName": "Sörnäistenlaituri",
    "buildingNumber": "23",
    "townName": "Helsinki",
    "postCode": "00530",
    "country": "FI"
  "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend"


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
paymentProduct path string true The possible values are 'domestic-credit-transfers', 'sepa-credit-transfers' or 'cross-border-credit-transfer'.
TPP-Redirect-URI header string true URI of the TPP, where the flow shall be redirected to after consent was successfully confirmed by the user.
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI header string false If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of TPP-Redirect-URI in case if something went wrong or consent was cancelled.
body body PaymentDetails true none

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK PaymentsInitiationResponse

Get Payment Request

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}/{paymentId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}/{paymentId}

Returns the content of a payment object.


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
paymentProduct path string true The possible values are 'domestic-credit-transfers', 'sepa-credit-transfers' or 'cross-border-credit-transfer'.
paymentId path string true Resource Identification of the related payment.

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK PaymentRequest

Get Transaction Status Request

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}/{paymentId}/status HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}/{paymentId}/status

Can check the status of a payment initiation.


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
paymentProduct path string true The possible values are 'domestic-credit-transfers', 'sepa-credit-transfers' or 'cross-border-credit-transfer'.
paymentId path string true Resource Identification of the related payment.

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK TransactionStatusDto

Account information

Code samples

POST{brandId}/bg/v1/consents HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
TPP-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/ok
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI: https://my-awesome-ui/error

POST /{brandId}/bg/v1/consents

Creates an account information consent resource at the ASPSP regarding access to accounts specified in this request or without dedicated account.

Body parameter

  "access": {
    "accounts": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "balances": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "transactions": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "recurringIndicator": true,
  "validUntil": "2023-10-10",
  "frequencyPerDay": 0
Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
TPP-Redirect-URI header string true URI of the TPP, where the flow shall be redirected to after consent was successfully confirmed by the user.
TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI header string false If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of TPP-Redirect-URI in case if something went wrong or consent was cancelled.
body body ConsentRequest true none

Example responses

200 Response

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConsentResponse

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId}

Returns the content of an account information consent object.

Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true Identification of the consent resource as it is used in the API structure.

Example responses

200 Response

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConsentDetailsDto

Code samples

DELETE{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

DELETE /{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId}

The TPP can delete an account information consent object if needed with the following call.

Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true Contains the resource-ID of the consent to be deleted.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK None

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId}/status HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/consents/{consentId}/status

Can check the status of an account information consent resource.

Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
consentId path string true Identification of the consent resource as it is used in the API structure.

Example responses

200 Response

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ConsentStatusDto

Read Account List

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: 41f1884e-2002-40ed-b43b-ab9e5e8a19e6

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts

Reads a list of bank accounts, with balances where required.


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
Consent-ID header string true Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK AccountsListDto

Read Account Details

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: 41f1884e-2002-40ed-b43b-ab9e5e8a19e6

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}

Reads details about an account, with balances where required.


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
accountId path string true This identification is denoting the addressed account. The account-id is retrieved by using a "Read Account List" call.
Consent-ID header string true Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK AccountDetailsResponse

Read Transaction List

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions?dateFrom=string&dateTo=string HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: 41f1884e-2002-40ed-b43b-ab9e5e8a19e6

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions

This operation is used to fetch available account transactions by provided account id. This can be either booked or pending transactions


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
accountId path string true This identification is denoting the addressed account. The account-id is retrieved by using a "Read Account List" call.
dateFrom query string true Starting date (inclusive the date dateFrom)
dateTo query string true End date (inclusive the date dateTo)
Consent-ID header string true Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK TransactionsListDto

Read Transaction Details

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: 41f1884e-2002-40ed-b43b-ab9e5e8a19e6

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}

Reads transaction details from a given transaction addressed by "transactionId" on a given account addressed by "account-id".


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
accountId path string true This identification is denoting the addressed account. The account-id is retrieved by using a "Read Account List" call.
transactionId path string true This identification is given by the attribute transactionId of the corresponding entry of a transaction list.
Consent-ID header string true Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK TransactionsDetailsResponse

Read Balance

Code samples

GET{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Consent-ID: 41f1884e-2002-40ed-b43b-ab9e5e8a19e6

GET /{brandId}/bg/v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances

Reads account data from a given account addressed by "account-id".


Name In Type Required Description
brandId path string true Id of brand (list of DiPocket brands is available by GET /brands)
accountId path string true This identification is denoting the addressed account. The account-id is retrieved by using a "Read Account List" call.
Consent-ID header string true Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK AccountBalancesDto


Get brands

Code samples

Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*

GET /brands

Returns the list of DiPocket brands.

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK BrandsResponse



  "iban": "FI4950009420028730"

PSU’s account number.


Name Type Required Description
iban string true The International Bank Account Number.


  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountReference false PSU’s account number.


  "consentId": "c67a3de6-5176-4c7d-a64d-e6ac4f31e848",
  "consentStatus": "received",
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
consentId string false The consent identification assigned to the created resource.
consentStatus string false Authentication status of the consent.
_links object false none
» additionalProperties Link false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
consentStatus received
consentStatus rejected
consentStatus partiallyAuthorised
consentStatus valid
consentStatus revokedByPsu
consentStatus expired
consentStatus terminatedByTpp
  "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
href string true Link to resource.


  "streetName": "Sörnäistenlaituri",
  "buildingNumber": "23",
  "townName": "Helsinki",
  "postCode": "00530",
  "country": "FI"

Creditor address. Not required for domestic payments


Name Type Required Description
streetName string false Street name. Required field for SWIFT payments.
buildingNumber string false Building number. Required field for SWIFT payments.
townName string false Town name. Required field for SWIFT payments.
postCode string false Post code. Required field for SWIFT payments.
country string false Two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1. Required field for SWIFT and SEPA payments.


  "currency": "EUR",
  "amount": "5877.78"

Amount with currency


Name Type Required Description
currency string true ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code.
amount string true The amount given with fractional digits, where fractions must be compliant to the currency definition. Negative amounts are signed by minus. The decimal separator is a dot.


  "debtorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "instructedAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"
  "creditorName": "Merchant123",
  "creditorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "creditorType": "INDIVIDUAL",
  "creditorAgent": "SBANFIHH",
  "creditorAddress": {
    "streetName": "Sörnäistenlaituri",
    "buildingNumber": "23",
    "townName": "Helsinki",
    "postCode": "00530",
    "country": "FI"
  "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend"


Name Type Required Description
debtorAccount AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
instructedAmount Amount true Amount with currency
creditorName string true Name of the creditor.
creditorAccount AccountReference true PSU’s account number.
creditorType string true Creditor type. Possible values: INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY
creditorAgent string false Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
creditorAddress Address false Creditor address. Not required for domestic payments
remittanceInformationUnstructured string true Unstructured message to be assigned to a payment instruction. Number of supported lines and structure of each line depend on the payment type and the chosen ASPSP and is provided in the payment type information. In case values of both remittanceInformation and referenceNumber field are provided, the referenceNumber will be used.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
creditorType INDIVIDUAL
creditorType COMPANY


  "transactionStatus": "ACCC",
  "paymentId": "737192d0-9f3b-49b4-85bb-f612ce8726b7",
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
transactionStatus string false The transaction status is filled with codes of the ISO 20022 data table.
paymentId string false Resource Identification of the related payment.
_links object false none
» additionalProperties Link false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
transactionStatus ACCC
transactionStatus ACCP
transactionStatus ACSC
transactionStatus ACSP
transactionStatus ACTC
transactionStatus ACWC
transactionStatus ACWP
transactionStatus RCVD
transactionStatus PDNG
transactionStatus RJCT
transactionStatus CANC
transactionStatus ACFC
transactionStatus PATC
transactionStatus PART


  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "instructedAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
instructedAmount Amount false Amount with currency


  "fundsAvailable": true


Name Type Required Description
fundsAvailable boolean false Equals true if sufficient funds are available at the time of the request, false otherwise.


  "accounts": [
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "balances": [
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "transactions": [
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"

Requested access services.


Name Type Required Description
accounts [AccountReference] false Is asking for detailed account information.
balances [AccountReference] false Is asking for balances of the addressed accounts.
transactions [AccountReference] false Is asking for transactions of the addressed accounts.


  "access": {
    "accounts": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "balances": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "transactions": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "recurringIndicator": true,
  "validUntil": "2023-10-10",
  "frequencyPerDay": 0


Name Type Required Description
access AccountAccess true Requested access services.
recurringIndicator boolean true true, if the consent is for recurring access to the account data
false, if the consent is for one access to the account data
validUntil string(date) true This parameter is defining a valid until date for the requested consent. The content is the local ASPSP date in ISODate Format.
frequencyPerDay integer(int32) false Not supported. This field indicates the requested maximum frequency for an access without PSU involvement per day.


  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "consentStatus": "received"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
consentStatus string false Authentication status of the consent.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
consentStatus received
consentStatus rejected
consentStatus partiallyAuthorised
consentStatus valid
consentStatus revokedByPsu
consentStatus expired
consentStatus terminatedByTpp


  "consentStatus": "received"


Name Type Required Description
consentStatus string false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
consentStatus received
consentStatus rejected
consentStatus partiallyAuthorised
consentStatus valid
consentStatus revokedByPsu
consentStatus expired
consentStatus terminatedByTpp


  "transactionStatus": "ACCC",
  "paymentId": "737192d0-9f3b-49b4-85bb-f612ce8726b7",
  "paymentDetails": {
    "debtorAccount": {
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "instructedAmount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "5877.78"
    "creditorName": "Merchant123",
    "creditorAccount": {
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "creditorType": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "creditorAgent": "SBANFIHH",
    "creditorAddress": {
      "streetName": "Sörnäistenlaituri",
      "buildingNumber": "23",
      "townName": "Helsinki",
      "postCode": "00530",
      "country": "FI"
    "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend"
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
transactionStatus string false The transaction status is filled with codes of the ISO 20022 data table.
paymentId string false Resource Identification of the related payment.
paymentDetails PaymentDetails false none
_links object false none
» additionalProperties Link false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
transactionStatus ACCC
transactionStatus ACCP
transactionStatus ACSC
transactionStatus ACSP
transactionStatus ACTC
transactionStatus ACWC
transactionStatus ACWP
transactionStatus RCVD
transactionStatus PDNG
transactionStatus RJCT
transactionStatus CANC
transactionStatus ACFC
transactionStatus PATC
transactionStatus PART


  "transactionStatus": "ACCC"


Name Type Required Description
transactionStatus string false The transaction status is filled with codes of the ISO 20022 data table.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
transactionStatus ACCC
transactionStatus ACCP
transactionStatus ACSC
transactionStatus ACSP
transactionStatus ACTC
transactionStatus ACWC
transactionStatus ACWP
transactionStatus RCVD
transactionStatus PDNG
transactionStatus RJCT
transactionStatus CANC
transactionStatus ACFC
transactionStatus PATC
transactionStatus PART


  "access": {
    "accounts": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "balances": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "transactions": [
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "recurringIndicator": true,
  "validUntil": "2019-08-24",
  "consentStatus": "received",
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
access AccountAccess false Requested access services.
recurringIndicator boolean false none
validUntil string(date) false none
consentStatus string false none
_links object false none
» additionalProperties Link false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
consentStatus received
consentStatus rejected
consentStatus partiallyAuthorised
consentStatus valid
consentStatus revokedByPsu
consentStatus expired
consentStatus terminatedByTpp


  "resourceId": "33154",
  "iban": "string",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "ownerName": "Krzysztofa Dell",
  "product": "string",
  "cashAccountType": "CACC",
  "name": "string",
  "status": "enabled",
  "details": "string",
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
resourceId string true This is the data element to be used in the path when retrieving data from a dedicated account.
iban string true This data element can be used in the body of the Consent Request Message for retrieving account access consent from this payment account.
currency string true Account currency
ownerName string false Name of the legal account owner.
product string false Product Name of the Bank for this account, proprietary definition.
cashAccountType string false ExternalCashAccountType1Code from ISO 20022
name string false Name of the account, as assigned by the ASPSP, in agreement with the account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.
status string true Account status
details string false Characteristics of the account
_links object true Links to balances and transactions for the account.
» additionalProperties Link false none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
cashAccountType CACC
cashAccountType CASH
cashAccountType CHAR
cashAccountType CISH
cashAccountType COMM
cashAccountType CPAC
cashAccountType LLSV
cashAccountType LOAN
cashAccountType MGLD
cashAccountType MOMA
cashAccountType NREX
cashAccountType ODFT
cashAccountType ONDP
cashAccountType OTHR
cashAccountType SACC
cashAccountType SLRY
cashAccountType SVGS
cashAccountType TAXE
cashAccountType TRAN
cashAccountType TRAS
status enabled
status deleted
status blocked


  "accounts": [
      "resourceId": "33154",
      "iban": "string",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "ownerName": "Krzysztofa Dell",
      "product": "string",
      "cashAccountType": "CACC",
      "name": "string",
      "status": "enabled",
      "details": "string",
      "_links": {
        "property1": {
          "href": "string"
        "property2": {
          "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
accounts [AccountDetails] false none


  "account": {
    "resourceId": "33154",
    "iban": "string",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "ownerName": "Krzysztofa Dell",
    "product": "string",
    "cashAccountType": "CACC",
    "name": "string",
    "status": "enabled",
    "details": "string",
    "_links": {
      "property1": {
        "href": "string"
      "property2": {
        "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountDetails false none


  "booked": [
      "transactionId": "string",
      "entryReference": "string",
      "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
      "creditorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
      "debtorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "mandateId": "string",
      "transactionAmount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "5877.78"
      "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
      "bankTransactionCode": "string",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
  "pending": [
      "transactionId": "string",
      "entryReference": "string",
      "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
      "creditorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
      "debtorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "mandateId": "string",
      "transactionAmount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "5877.78"
      "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
      "bankTransactionCode": "string",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
  "information": [
      "transactionId": "string",
      "entryReference": "string",
      "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
      "creditorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
      "debtorAccount": {
        "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
      "mandateId": "string",
      "transactionAmount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "5877.78"
      "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
      "bankTransactionCode": "string",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
  "_links": {
    "property1": {
      "href": "string"
    "property2": {
      "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
booked [Transaction] false List of transactions in status "booked"
pending [Transaction] false List of transactions in status "pending"
information [Transaction] false List of transactions in status "information"
_links object false Contains a link to account details resource.
» additionalProperties Link false none


  "transactionId": "string",
  "entryReference": "string",
  "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
  "creditorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
  "debtorAccount": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "mandateId": "string",
  "transactionAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"
  "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
  "bankTransactionCode": "string",
  "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"

List of transactions in status "information"


Name Type Required Description
transactionId string false A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the transaction resource.
entryReference string false none
creditorName string false Name of the creditor if a "Debited" transaction
creditorAccount AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
debtorName string false Name of the debtor if a "Credited" transaction
debtorAccount AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
mandateId string false Identification of Mandates, e.g. a SEPA Mandate ID
transactionAmount Amount true Amount with currency
bookingDate string(date-time) false The Date when an entry is posted to an account on the ASPSPs books.
valueDate string(date-time) false Date and time at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit entry, or cease to be available to the account owner in case of a debit entry.
remittanceInformationUnstructured string true Unstructured message to be assigned to a payment instruction. Number of supported lines and structure of each line depend on the payment type and the chosen ASPSP and is provided in the payment type information. In case values of both remittanceInformation and referenceNumber field are provided, the referenceNumber will be used.
bankTransactionCode string false Bank transaction code as used by the ASPSP andusingthesubelementsof this structured code defined by ISO20022.
proprietaryBankTransactionCode string false proprietary bank transaction code as used within a community or within an ASPSP e.g. for MT94x based transaction reports


  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "transactions": {
    "booked": [
        "transactionId": "string",
        "entryReference": "string",
        "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
        "creditorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
        "debtorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "mandateId": "string",
        "transactionAmount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "5877.78"
        "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
        "bankTransactionCode": "string",
        "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
    "pending": [
        "transactionId": "string",
        "entryReference": "string",
        "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
        "creditorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
        "debtorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "mandateId": "string",
        "transactionAmount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "5877.78"
        "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
        "bankTransactionCode": "string",
        "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
    "information": [
        "transactionId": "string",
        "entryReference": "string",
        "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
        "creditorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
        "debtorAccount": {
          "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
        "mandateId": "string",
        "transactionAmount": {
          "currency": "EUR",
          "amount": "5877.78"
        "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
        "bankTransactionCode": "string",
        "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"
    "_links": {
      "property1": {
        "href": "string"
      "property2": {
        "href": "string"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
transactions AccountReport false none


  "transactionsDetails": {
    "transactionId": "string",
    "entryReference": "string",
    "creditorName": "Rut Rameshvara",
    "creditorAccount": {
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "debtorName": "Bityah Amita",
    "debtorAccount": {
      "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
    "mandateId": "string",
    "transactionAmount": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "amount": "5877.78"
    "bookingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "valueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "For the friend",
    "bankTransactionCode": "string",
    "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": "string"


Name Type Required Description
transactionsDetails Transaction false List of transactions in status "information"


  "account": {
    "iban": "FI4950009420028730"
  "balances": [
      "balanceAmount": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "amount": "5877.78"
      "balanceType": "expected",
      "lastChangeDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "referenceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


Name Type Required Description
account AccountReference false PSU’s account number.
balances [Balance] false none


  "balanceAmount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "5877.78"
  "balanceType": "expected",
  "lastChangeDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "referenceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


Name Type Required Description
balanceAmount Amount true Amount with currency
balanceType string true Type of the balance.
lastChangeDateTime string(date-time) false This data element might be used to indicate e.g. with the expected or booked balance that no action is known on the account, which is not yet booked.
referenceDate string(date-time) false Indicates the date of the balance

Enumerated Values

Property Value
balanceType expected
balanceType closingBooked
balanceType interimAvailable
balanceType interimBooked


  "brandName": "EnableBanking",
  "brandId": "654321",
  "authorizationEndpoint": ""

List of DiPocket brands with id's and authorisation endpoints


Name Type Required Description
brandName string false Name of DiPocket brand
brandId string false DiPocket brand id, which is needed to access PSD2 endpoints
authorizationEndpoint string false Link to DiPocket brand's authorisation endpoint. Each brand use their own endpoint.


  "brands": [
      "brandName": "EnableBanking",
      "brandId": "654321",
      "authorizationEndpoint": ""


Name Type Required Description
brands [BrandInfo] false List of DiPocket brands with id's and authorisation endpoints